Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment, Willamette Valley Co., Centralia, Washington (2007-2008)

Creekside conducted an initial Phase 1 investigation on a property with many years of industrial use as a lumber mill, railroad turnaround, and wood flour processing plant. A second phase of work was initiated and completed and there is currently an ongoing investigation to fully establish an environmental baseline for the site. This is a complicated site that involves petroleum hydrocarbon impacts in soils.

Our Major Areas of Expertise:

Brownfield Cleanup & Remediation

Creekside has obtained over 40 "No Further Action" (NFA) Determinations for our clients in the last 20 years on properties that required environmental assessment and "clean closure."

Meet Our Team

Click to learn more about our team of Portland, Oregon environmental contractors, which includes a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager, hydrogeologists, environmental engineers, and environmental scientists.