Oregon Superfund Sites / CERCLA Projects

CERCLA Superfund Site – Waste Characterization and Disposal Project

Confidential Hazardous Waste Facility, Portland, Oregon
Owner/Principal Brent Jorgensen Served as Project Manager.

Project included evaluation of drummed hazardous waste solids and liquids including spent solvents, pentachlorophenol, creosote, paint, and acidic solutions; analysis and interpretation of appropriate and applicable environmental regulations; preparation of disposal permits and applications; and identification of cost-effective waste disposal options.

CERCLA Superfund Site Characterization and Remediation of Lead-Contaminated Soil and Groundwater

Bergsoe Metal Corporation, St. Helens, Oregon
Owner/Principal Brent Jorgensen Served as Task Manager.

Assisted in the nvestigation soil and groundwater impacts resulting from multiple releases of lead-contaminated sulfuric acid solution at a lead smelting facility in St. Helens, Oregon. Project involved preparing sampling and analysis plans, health and safety plans, supervising site cleanup activities, evaluating laboratory test results with appropriate regulatory criteria, recommending disposal options, summarizing the project activities in several reports, and preparing a risk assessment and RIFS for the Oregon DEQ.

CERCLA Superfund Site – Disposal of Creosote-Treated Lumber

McCormic & Baxter Site, Portland, Oregon
Owner/Principal Brent Jorgensen Served as Task Manager.

Assisted in coordination of the disposal of several hundred creosote-treated logs at the subject site. Project involved preparing health and safety plans, supervising log disposal activities, evaluating appropriate regulatory criteria for the disposal recommending disposal/resale options, summarizing the project activities in several reports, and working with the Oregon DEQ.