Communications Materials Projects

Industrial Waste Regulations, California

Brent Jorgensen served as the author of the City of Carpinteria, California’s Industrial Waste Regulations Guidance Manual.

RCRA Spill Contingency Plan, Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plan, and Sampling and Analysis Plan

Short Mountain Landfill, Eugene, Oregon.

This project involved completing the following general tasks: (1) developed a RCRA spill contingency plan, an SPCC and facility response plan (FRP), and a Sampling and Analysis Plan as mandated by the Oregon DEQ and the Environmental Protection Agency (Ref.: 40 CFR Part 112 and the Oil Pollution Act [OPA 90]), (2) developed an environmental training program, and (3) provided training for wastewater treatment operators who were managing a leachate treatment system. Work included reviewing existing OPA 90 spill prevention policies and plans, revising the plans to reflect current practices, auditing the general facility compliance programs (e.g., air, hazardous waste, water quality, etc.), comparing these programs with State of Oregon and EPA requirements, documenting our findings, and preparing comprehensive plans for our client.

Wastewater Treatment System Design, Installation, Permitting, & Monitoring

MRP Environmental Services, Inc. – (July 2002).

Creekside designed a 100 gpm wastewater treatment system for Metro Rooter Plumbing (located in the industrial section of NW Portland) in June and July 2002. The system is used to treat grease trap wastewater and oily water with sediments, regulated metals, fuels, and organic solvents. In addition to the engineering design work, Creekside also wrote the operation and maintenance manual and completed and submitted the wastewater discharge permit application and Baseline Monitoring Report to the City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services. At this point, MRP is in full compliance with the City & EPA regulations for Centralized Treatment Systems (Permit No. 437-001).